믿음의 글과 자료

믿음의 글/자료 게시판은 이 시대의 역사적 상황 속에서 현대 기독교와 교회의 모습, 창조주 하나님과 그 분의 이름으로 오신 예수 그리스도를 증거하는 게시판입니다. 특히 나사렛 예수가 어떻게 하나님으로 우리의 주가 되시는지 그 표적인 부활의 역사적 증거 자료와 함께 흔들릴 수 없는 부활신앙에 서도록 격려하고 북돋우는 도움의 글들을 올리고 있습니다. 교우들의 많은 은혜가 있기를 기도합니다.

Title[유머] 다양한 위치의 프로그래머(?)들2002-04-17 03:22:44
..  다음 내용은 모두 모니터 화면에 "Hello World"를 찍기 위한 프로그램입니다. 중고등학생 =================== 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END 대학 신입생 ===================== program Hello(input, output) begin writeln('Hello World') end. 대학 2학년 ====================== (defun hello (print (cons 'Hello (list 'World)))) 신임 교수 ================ #include void main(void) { char *message[] = {"Hello ", "World"}; int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) printf("%s", message[i]); printf("\n"); } 계약직 전문가 ===================== #include #include class string { private: int size; char *ptr; public: string() : size(0), ptr(new char('\0')) {} string(const string &s) : size(s.size) { ptr = new char[size + 1]; strcpy(ptr, s.ptr); } ~string() { delete [] ptr; } friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const string &); string &operator=(const char *); }; ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, const string &s) { rettream << s.ptr); } string &string::operator=(const char *chrs) { if (this != &chrs) { delete [] ptr; size = strlen(chrs); ptr = new char[size + 1]; strcpy(ptr, chrs); } return(*this); } int main() { string str; str = "Hello World"; cout << str << endl; return(0); } 마스터 프로그래머 ================= [ uuid(2573F8F4-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] library LHello { // bring in the master library importlib("actimp.tlb"); importlib("actexp.tlb"); // bring in my interfaces #include "pshlo.idl" [ uuid(2573F8F5-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] cotype THello { interface IHello; interface IPersistFile; }; }; [ exe, uuid(2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] module CHelloLib { // some code related header files importheader(); importheader(); importheader(); importheader("pshlo.h"); importheader("shlo.hxx"); importheader("mycls.hxx"); // needed typelibs importlibctimp.tlb"); importlib("actexp.tlb"); importlib("thlo.tlb"); [ uuid( 2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820),> #include "ipfix.hxx" extern HANDLE hEvent; class CHello : public CHelloBase { public: IPFIX(CLSID_CHello); CHello(IUnknown *pUnk); ~CHello(); HRESULT __stdcall PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString); aggregatable ] coclass CHello { cotype THello; }; }; private: static int cObjRef; }; #include #include #include #include #include "thlo.h" #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "mycls.hxx" int CHello::cObjRef = 0; CHello::CHello(IUnknown *pUnk) : CHelloBase(pUnk) { cObjRef++; return; } HRESULT __stdcall CHello::PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString) { printf("%ws\n", pwszString); return(ResultFromScode(S_OK)); } CHello::~CHello(void) { // when the object count goes to zero, stop the server cObjRef--; if( cObjRef == 0 ) PulseEvent(hEvent); return; } #include #include #include "ipfix.hxx" extern HANDLE hEvent; class CHello : public CHelloBase { public: IPFIX(CLSID_CHello); CHello(IUnknown *pUnk); ~CHello(); HRESULT __stdcall PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString); aggregatable ] coclass CHello { cotype THello; }; }; private: static int cObjRef; }; #include #include #include #include #include "thlo.h" #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "mycls.hxx" int CHello::cObjRef = 0; CHello::CHello(IUnknown *pUnk) : CHelloBase(pUnk) { cObjRef++; return; } HRESULT __stdcall CHello::PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString) { printf("%ws\n", pwszString); return(ResultFromScode(S_OK)); } CHello::~CHello(void) { // when the object count goes to zero, stop the server cObjRef--; if( cObjRef == 0 ) PulseEvent(hEvent); return; } #include nclude "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "mycls.hxx" HANDLE hEvent; int _cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { ULONG ulRef; DWORD dwRegistration; CHelloCF *pCF = new CHelloCF(); hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Initialize the OLE libraries CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_CHello, pCF, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &dwRegistration); // wait on an event to stop WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); // revoke and release the class object CoRevokeClassObject(dwRegistration); ulRef = pCF->Release(); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); return(0); } extern CLSID CLSID_CHello; extern UUID LIBID_CHelloLib; CLSID CLSID_CHello = { /* 2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F891, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 } }; UUID LIBID_CHelloLib = { /* 2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F890, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, nclude #include #include #include #include #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "clsid.h" int _cdecl n( int argc, char * argv[] ) { HRESULT hRslt; IHello *pHello; ULONG ulCnt; IMoniker * pmk; WCHAR wcsT[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcsPath[2 * _MAX_PATH]; // get object path wcsPath[0] = '\0'; wcsT[0] = '\0'; if( argc > 1) { mbstowcs(wcsPath, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1); wcsupr(wcsPath); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Object path must be specified\n"); return(1); } // get print string if(argc > 2) mbstowcs(wcsT, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1); else wcscpy(wcsT, L"Hello World"); printf("Linking to object %ws\n", wcsPath); printf("Text String %ws\n", wcsT); // Initialize the OLE libraries hRslt = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) { hRslt = CreateFileMoniker(wcsPath, &pmk); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) hRslt = BindMoniker(pmk, 0, IID_IHello, (void CEEDED(hRslt)) { // print a string out pHello->PrintSz(wcsT); Sleep(2000); ulCnt = pHello->Release(); } else printf("Failure to connect, status: %lx", hRslt); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); } return(0); } 초보 해커 (Apprentice Hacker) ==== ========================= #!/usr/local/bin/perl $msg="Hello, world.\n"; if ($#ARGV >= 0) while(defined($arg=shift(@ARGV))) $outfilename = $arg; open(FILE, ">" . $outfilename) || die "Can't write $arg: $!\n"; print (FILE $msg); close(FILE) || die "Can't close $arg: $!\n"; } } else print ($msg); } 1; 경력 해커 (Experienced Hacker) ============================== #include #define S "Hello, World\n" main(){exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);} 숙련된 해커 (Seasoned Hacker) ============================== % cc -o a.out ~/src/misc/hw/hw.c 구루(지존) 해커 (Guru Hacker) ============================= % cat Hello, world. ^D 신임 관리자 (New Manager) ========================= 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END 중견 관리자 (Middle Manager) ============================ mail -s "Hello, world." bob@b12 밥, "Hello, world."를 출력하는 프로그램 소스를 좀 보내주겠나? 내일까지 부탁하네. ^D 고위 관리자 (Senior Manager) ============================ % zmail jim "Hello, world." 프로그램이 오늘 오후까지 필요함. 최고 경영자 (Chief Executive) ============================= % letter letter: Command not found. % mail To: ^X ^F ^C % help mail help: Command not found. % damn! !: Event unrecognized % logout