
Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 (Purpose)
The "User Terms of Service" is aimed at defining terms and procedures for the use of Internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by Korean Baptist Church of Austin (hereinafter referred to as "KBCA"), rights, liabilities and obligations of KBCA and users and other necessary stipulations.

Article 2 (Posting, outline and revision of "User Terms of Service")
1. KBCA shall post the "User Terms of Service" on the initial service screen.
2. KBCA can revise the "User Terms of Service" in ways that do not violate relevant laws such as the Regulations on Terms of Service Act, the Basic Electronic Transactions Act, the Electronic Signature Act, the Act on the Promotion of the Use of IT Network and on the Protection and Use of Information, the Door-to-Door Sales Act and the Consumer Protection Act.
3. In case of revision, KBCA shall post on the initial service screen the effective date of and reason for the revision, alongside the current "User Terms of Service," seven days before the effective date until the day before the new terms go into effect.
4. If members do not agree to the revised terms, they can terminate their membership. If members continue to use services without expressing any rejection of the revised terms seven days after the effective date, this shall be understood that they have agreed to the revision.
5. Items not stipulated in the "User Terms of Service" and the interpretation manner of the terms are governed by the Regulations on Terms of Service Act, the Basic Telecommunication Act, the Telecommunication Business Act, the Regulations on the Information Communication Ethics Committee's Review, the Codes of Conduct on Information Communication, the Computer Program Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 3 (Definition of Terms)
1. "User" refers to one who receives services provided by KBCA regardless of membership standing.
2. "Subscription" refers to an act of filling out an application form provided by KBCA and concluding a contract on the use of services in agreement with the "User Terms of Service."
3. "Member" refers to one who has received membership by providing his or her personal information, continuously gets data from KBCA and uses services provided by KBCA.
4. "ID" refers to a combination of letters and numbers as chosen by the user and provided by KBCA for the purpose of identifying the user and helping him or her to use services.
5. "Password" refers to a combination of letters and numbers chosen by the user to identify him or herself and protect his or her personal information.
6. "Termination of membership" refers to KBCA or the member terminating his or her contract.
7. "Personal information" refers to data by which it is possible to identify the individual based on his or her name and citizen registration number, or information through which it is possible to identify the individual based on other data.
8. "Suspension of services" refers to an act of KBCA suspending services for a certain period of time in accordance with certain regulations or circumstances.

Chapter 2 Conclusion and Termination of Service Contract

Article 4 (Conclusion of a service contract)
1. A service contract is concluded when the user agrees to the "User Terms of Service" and KBCA approves it.
2. The user shall express his or her consent to the "User Terms of Service" by clicking on "I Agree" in reply to the question "Do You Agree to the 'User Terms of Service?" when he or she fills out an application form.

Article 5 (Subscription)
1. Subscription is completed when the applicant fills out an application form provided by KBCA.
2. KBCA reserves the right to delay the conclusion of a service contract until each of the following instances is resolved:
① Insufficient service capacity
② Technical problems
3. Applicants must do the following:
① Use real names on the application form
② Never use another person's name
③ Fill in the application form correctly and honestly
④ Never take advantage of the application in order to disturb the peace, order and public morals.
⑤ Update personal information in case of changes
⑥ Members shall bear responsibility for errors caused by their entry of wrong or inadvertent information.
⑦ Users may suffer restricted services if their personal information is incorrect or wrong or if a rational suspicion exists.
4. Children under age 14 can only apply for the use of services after obtaining consent from their parents or legal guardians. This clause also applies to those under age 20 who want to use fee-based services.

Article 6 (Change in personal member information)
1. A user ID cannot be changed in principle. But in unavoidable cases, users must terminate their current ID and re-apply for a new one.
2. However, a user ID can be changed upon request from either members or KBCA on the KBCA website in the following cases:
① Danger to a user's privacy or possible infringement due to an ID being based on a member's telephone or citizen registration number.
② User ID is deemed objectionable or runs counter to public morals.
③ KBCA reserves the right to ask a user to change his or her ID.
3. Members can change their personal information by accessing the KBCA website or asking a KBCA web manager to do it on their behalf. Members shall bear responsibility for any problems caused by unchanged information.

Article 7 (Withdrawal or loss of membership)
1. Members can terminate membership at any time either through KBCA services or e-mail. In this case, KBCA shall immediately comply with the request.
2. In the following cases, KBCA can restrict or suspend membership without prior notice or partially suspend or restrict use of services for a certain period:
① Members inputted false information on the application form.
② Members threatened the order of e-business deals by obstructing others in the use of KBCA services or stealing personal information of other users.
③ Members obstructed KBCA in the management of services by altering information provided by KBCA.
④ If members are found to be doing the following acts that are banned by law or the "User Terms of Service" or run counter to public morals:
- Illegal use of another member's ID
- Unauthorized alteration of KBCA client programs or hacking of the KBCA server
- Collecting, storing or publicizing the personal information of other members without their consent
- Commit an act that is objectively linked to a crime
- Commit an act running counter to relevant laws or terms set by KBCA
- Commit an act that damages others' honor or causes disadvantage to them
3. KBCA can revoke membership of those who repeat the same illegal act more than twice after having their memberships suspended or if they have not corrected the misdeed within 30 days.
4. KBCA shall cancel the registration of members if their membership is revoked. In this case, KBCA shall notify them accordingly and allow them up to 30 days to appeal. 5. KBCA can place restrictions on those who re-apply for the use of services after having had their membership revoked and their registration cancelled after a certain period of time.

Chapter 3 Use of Services

Article 8 (Period of use of services)
1. In principle, services can be used round the clock every day of the year, but can be temporarily suspended partially or entirely due to KBCA operational needs, repairs, check-ups, replacement of mechanical components or malfunction. In such cases, KBCA shall notify members of these changes before or after they occur.
2. KBCA may designate separate service hours for each category and announce them beforehand.

Article 9 (Services)
The services provided by KBCA follow:
1. Information on KBCA programs
2. Internet broadcasting programs
3. Bulletin board
4. Cyber clubs
5. Chat rooms
6. Other services

Article 10 (Service fees)
In principle, KBCA provides services for free. But certain services require fees as indicated.

Article 11 (Information supply service and ad posting)
1. KBCA can post ads on service screens in relation to the operation of its services.
2. Members should not arbitrarily delete, slander or interfere with the banner ads on the KBCA website.
3. KBCA bears no responsibility for any losses or damage incurred by members as a result of their participation in any sponsor sales promotions posted on the KBCA service programs.

Article 12 (Suspension of services and restrictions on the use of services)
1. For free services, KBCA reserves the right to revise or suspend all or part of the services at any time. In this case, KBCA shall immediately notify members of this change via e-mail or the website.
2. KBCA can restrict or suspend the use of services if users do something running counter to the "User Terms of Service" under the second and third clauses of Article 7.

Article 13 (Protection of intellectual property rights)
1. KBCA owns all copyrights and intellectual property rights of its productions.
2. Members cannot make commercial use of the materials provided through services, including processing and/or selling of the information they have obtained through services.
3. Whether commercially minded or not, members are banned from copying, transmitting and/or distributing all content and/or services provided by KBCA using simple links and/or other electronic methods in other space than the KBCA website.
4. Under the "User Terms of Service," KBCA must notify relevant members when it uses programs whose copyright belongs to them.

Chapter 4 Each Party's Rights and Obligations

Article 14 (KBCA' obligations)
1. KBCA shall not do anything that is banned by law and the "User Terms of Service" or runs counter to public morals. KBCA must strive to provide members with consistent and stable services.
2. KBCA shall not leak and/or distribute the personal information of members to others without their consent, unless relevant state agencies demand it in accordance with pertinent laws such as that of telecommunications.
3. KBCA must use a security system to protect the personal information of users so that they can safely use services.
4. KBCA is not liable for disruption in services caused by users' own errors.
5. KBCA must immediately deal with grievances related to services filed by members. If the resolution of such grievances is not immediately possible, KBCA must notify relevant members of the reason for the delay and a schedule to deal with such grievances via the service website or email.

Article 15 (Users' obligations)
1. Users should enter the correct personal information when filling out an application form as required for membership. They should make sure that their personal data is updated and not let others use their ID and/or password.
2. Members are banned from engaging in any business activities using services without prior approval from KBCA, and from distributing or posting materials that violate laws.
3. Members must observe relevant laws and regulations set by KBCA, including the "User Terms of Service" and KBCA notices on the use of services, and not do anything that obstruct KBCA operations.
4. Aside from KBCA obligations as required by a policy to protect personal information, members bear total responsibility for keeping their ID and password to themselves and for all consequences arising from the use of their ID and password. They should immediately notify KBCA if they have found their ID and password used without their consent.
5. Members should not engage in any of the following in relation to the use of services:
① Photocopying, duplicating, altering, interpreting, publishing, broadcasting, transmitting, or posting information obtained from services and/or providing others with it without prior approval from KBCA
② Destroying the public order by posting pornographic materials on the service website and/or the bulletin board, or posting links to obscene sites or distributing obscene materials
③ Damaging or insulting others' honor, posting or transmitting via email or other methods materials that infringe upon others' rights such as patents, trademarks, business secrets, copyright and other intellectual property rights
④ Hacking or spreading computer viruses
⑤ Constantly posting or transmitting via email and other methods certain materials including promotional ads against others' will
⑥ Illegally using another member's ID
⑦ Collecting and storing the personal information of other members
⑧ Illegally using the identity of others including that of a KBCA employee or system operator
⑨ Falsely identifying the sender of contents transmitted by services
⑩ Altering information on the service website
⑪ Stalking or harassing others on the service website
⑫ Any acts hampering or might hamper the operations of the services and others running counter to relevant laws
6. Members should comply with the separate KBCA rules (Appendix 1) when using services for cyber clubs.

Article 16 (TranKBCAer ban)
Members cannot transfer or donate their membership status and service rights to others, nor can they offer them as collateral.

Article 17 (Deletion of materials)
1. Members assume all rights including copyright and liability for materials they post. KBCA has the right to post them on the service website.
2. KBCA shall bear no responsibility for materials posted, transmitted or received by members of the service website and the consequences thereof. KBCA reserves the right to delete, at its own discretion, materials that it feels do any of the following:
① Run counter to the "User Terms of Service," or is considered illegal, obscene or lewd
② Disparage other members or third parties, infringe upon the privacy of others or damage the honor of others through slander
③ Hamper or could hamper the stable operations of the services
④ Relate to a criminal act
⑤ Infringe on the rights of others including intellectual property rights of KBCA and/or others
⑥ Promote the sale of certain products or have other commercial purposes
⑦ Illegally alter information
⑧ Illegally use the user ID and password of other members
⑨ Have a demonstration effect that is incompatible with the rules and purposes of the bulletin board set by KBCA
⑩ Remain posted for a longer period than approved by KBCA
⑪ Laced with private political or religious views that are incompatible with the nature of KBCA services
⑫ Run counter to public morals or order
⑬ Run counter to other relevant laws and regulations
3. KBCA shall bear no responsibility for the authenticity and credibility of the information posted on the service website by users. Users must bear total civil and criminal liabilities for any infringement on others' copyrights.

Chapter 5 Protection of personal information

Article 18 (KBCA security management)
KBCA will take measures necessary to guarantee security so that a user's personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged. However, personal information that members voluntarily provide online, including e-mail or chatting, faces the risk of collection and use by others. Each individual user assumes that risk and KBCA is free of any liability for it.

Article 19 (Consent and withdrawal of consent to KBCA use of members' personal information)
1. KBCA will manage members' personal information under the KBCA policy to protect personal information on the service website.
2. KBCA reserves the right to collect and use the personal information of members who use KBCA services, with their consent, with the purpose of increasing quantitative and qualitative features.
3. KBCA must limit the personal information it collects from members to just data necessary enough to provide services. But KBCA can ask for more detailed information if necessary.
4. KBCA shall not leak or provide information supplied by members to third parties without member consent. However, KBCA can provide or share with other companies the information needed to increase the quality of service for members, compile statistical data or conduct a market survey as long as this does not violate relevant laws.
5. KBCA can provide affiliates with members' information so that members can use services provided by KBCA and/or its affiliates more conveniently. In this case, KBCA must notify members beforehand. Members who do not consent to this can cancel their registration. If they continue to use services, however, KBCA will assume members consented to this.
6. Members can withdraw their consent to KBCA' collection and use of their information provided to KBCA.
7. Members can review their personal information for update anytime.
8. In accordance with legal stipulations including the Telecommunication Business Act, KBCA reserves the right to provide members' information to state agencies, the Information Communication Ethics Committee or other agencies upon request from those agencies, the committee, other legal stipulations or for the purpose of an investigation.
9. KBCA can transmit cookies to members' computers through services. Members can refuse to receive such cookies or change their blog browser format to receive warnings of incoming cookies. KBCA will bear no responsibility for the collection of personal information by other websites linked to its service site.

Article 20 (KBCA' collection of personal information and purpose of use)
1. Increase quantitative and qualitative features of services for members and overhaul the website
2. Charge for the use of members' information
3. Conduct marketing based on members' information

Article 21 (Period of the possession and use of members' personal information)
1. KBCA shall possess members' information until termination of membership.
2. Members can use KBCA services until termination of membership unless they violate the "User Terms of Service."

Chapter 6 Others

Article 22 (Compensation for damage)
1. KBCA bears no responsibility for any damage to members or users in relation to free services, unless in the case of an intentional crime.
2. KBCA is not liable for products or services provided by affiliates.

Article 23 (Escape clause)
1. KBCA is not liable for damage caused by service interruptions by a natural disaster, war or a force majeure event.
2. KBCA is not liable for damage caused by suspension or irregular supply of telecommunication services due to telecommunication companies.
3. KBCA is not liable for damage caused by repairs, replacement of components, regular check-ups or installation of service facilities.
4. KBCA is not liable for damage caused by users' willfulness or errors in relation to their use of services.
5. KBCA does not need to express any conviction or speak for any views or information expressed on the service website, nor shall it approve, oppose or revise the views expressed by members or third parties. Under no circumstances shall KBCA bear any responsibility for gains or losses that users obtain from information on the services.
6. KBCA shall bear no responsibility for deals of products or money between members themselves or between members and third parties using the services as an intermediary, nor shall it bear any responsibility for gains or losses that members expect in relation to the use of services.
7. KBCA shall bear no responsibility for gains or losses that members expect through services or for damage from materials that members have obtained through services. KBCA shall not be liable for the credibility of the information, materials, or facts posted by members on the service website.
8. KBCA shall bear no responsibility for damage caused by users' willfulness or errors among the kinds of damage caused to users in relation to their use of services.
9. KBCA shall not guarantee the authenticity, perfection or quality of the other services provided by subscribers or other relevant agencies than by KBCA. Accordingly, KBCA is not liable for any loss or damage caused to users as a result of their use of such services. KBCA is not liable for any spiritual damage caused to users as a result of their use of such services and caused by other users.
10. Members must compensate any and all damage caused to KBCA if they did so by violating the "User Terms of Service." They must also exempt KBCA from any liability for such damage.
11. As long as KBCA possesses the service web page and messages on the bulletin board, KBCA can restrict members' use of the board and disk space by setting limits to the maximum sizes of interactive messages and disc space. KBCA can also terminate dormant member IDs.

Article 24 (Conflict settlement)
1. KBCA and members must make all necessary efforts to smoothly resolve conflicts caused in relation to services.
2. If a lawsuit is filed despite all efforts, it shall be under the jurisdiction of the court that exercises jurisdiction over KBCA headquarters.

Article 25 (Application of laws)
All legal matters concerning members' use of services is subject to the relevant laws of the Republic of Korea and United States of America.