TitleI'm the Best Missionary with the Church Community!2015-10-27 15:26:58

 I'm the Best Missionary with the Church Community!
- JiEun Kang, Hanmaum Church - 

Through emails and text messages, I get real-time prayer requests from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. 

From Northern Ireland-- "Ji-Eun, we made gospel tracts to put in restaurants and stores. Please pray for the gospel to be spread here." 

From the U.S.-- "Ji-Eun, I'm sharing the gospel with an African American classmate. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work in us." 

Whenever I get these messages, I'm truly amazed by the lively power of the gospel, which reaches everywhere.

I am experiencing that where God has placed me now is the best place to be.
I earnestly pray that these brothers and sisters in Christ, who are more precious than my own life,
will become greater than I am, that they will become world leaders who will transform nations through the gospel.
When I think about how countless people will be saved by the gospel through them, my heart bursts with joy and thankfulness.