TitleEx-gang member, God saved him from Drug Addiction2014-09-04 20:50:44
Ex-gang member, God saved him from Drug Addiction (Amazing Grace 4th) - SungJoo Moon, HMU Church

Nobody wants to become a drug addict. It’s that “just one more time” thought that makes it impossible to stop abusing drugs. Just one more time could be your last- death.

In this video, this ex-gang member met Jesus Christ and freed from drug addiction. Nothing could help him from his addiction, but Jesus could. Hallelujah!!!

When Holy Spirit opened his eyes to the basic sin, the sin of not believing Jesus Christ, he repented and surrendered his life to our Lord Jesus. Then everything else started to fall in right places.

Gospel is the greatest news in our lives!!!

Share this good news with everyone around you.

God bless you.